
The Technology Puzzle

The Technology Puzzle

For your organization, technology can be a puzzle. Before you can solve a puzzle, certain things are needed to solve it. Do you know what the full picture is? Do you know what the pieces are? Do you know if you have all the pieces? Do you have too many pieces? Now...

Software: Build vs. Buy

Software: Build vs. Buy

Most organizations leverage some software as a service. QuickBooks, Microsoft 365, Salesforce just to name a few. As a leader of a small organization, you probably don't have the time or expertise to research all the software options available to best fit your needs....

Leadership through Relationships

Leadership through Relationships

Many organizations have been built for a world that no longer exists. In the past few years we have been impacted by Covid, supply chain shortages, inflation, and war in Ukraine and Yemen. Going back to 2019 is just not an option. What this means is leaders have to...

Creating Conversations with External Email in Teams

Creating Conversations with External Email in Teams

Microsoft Teams does a great job of facilitating communication within a team. What happens when there is a topic from an external source that needs discussion like an email? Teams gives you the ability to send external emails to a channel and create a post which...

Opening Office Documents in Teams with Office Apps

Opening Office Documents in Teams with Office Apps

How many times have you went into Files to open a document, click it and forget that it is going to open in the Teams window?  This is extremely frustrating as there is no current way to change the default.  Currently there are only 2 ways to open Office Documents in...

SharePoint List Filtering

SharePoint List Filtering

The Challenge SharePoint lists are a great way to create and manage small lists of activities and tasks that need to be completed. It gives you the ability to customize columns to your exact need. When working with numerous users I noticed that all of them would all...

Introduction to Microsoft Teams Part #2

Introduction to Microsoft Teams Part #2

If you missed the first part of our Introduction to Microsoft Teams, you can read it here. What can Teams do for my business? # 1 Increase productivity & focus on the work at hand. As technology changes, collaboration gets messier and messier. Traditional...

Introduction to Microsoft Teams Part #1

Introduction to Microsoft Teams Part #1

Productivity and technology are intertwined – in today’s market staying ahead of your workload is more important than ever. According to Business Insider Microsoft Teams now has 75 million daily active users. I wonder if I’m the only one who had trepidation's...

Introduction to Microsoft Power Apps

Introduction to Microsoft Power Apps

What is Microsoft Power Apps? Let’s start by answering the question exactly what is Power Apps and what is its purpose? Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and data platforms that provides you the opportunity to build custom apps for your business...

4 Reasons To Use PowerPoint More Often

4 Reasons To Use PowerPoint More Often

PowerPoint has been around since 1987 and some say that it is a platform whose time has come and gone. We say, used correctly, it is an effective communications tool that you should not abandon. As the world has moved to virtual meetings and online workdays the need...

Now Working from Home: Leading and Connecting during COVID-19

Now Working from Home: Leading and Connecting during COVID-19

These are unprecedented and uncertain times. The phrase, “We’re all in this together” has never been more true. During this COVID-19 pandemic, people are concerned about their aging parents, their nephew working in the hospital emergency room, the shrinking balance of...

Three Big Questions Effective Leaders Ask to Get Results that Matter

Three Big Questions Effective Leaders Ask to Get Results that Matter

We live in a just-get-it-done culture. But often in the race to results, businesses and organizations fail to step back and assess the health of the people and processes they depend upon to produce. In our experience, here are three big questions (along with a few...

Steps to Branding Success Pt. 2

Steps to Branding Success Pt. 2

Did you miss Pt. 1 of 1st Steps to Branding Success? If so, take a couple of minutes and check it out here: Earlier, we talked about why spending more and more resources on re-branding your logo, adding a...

Defining Estimation

Defining Estimation

Several people will ignore this blog because they don’t think that estimating applies to them. When it comes to software engineers, contractors, and mechanics, we all understand how it is vital to their day-to-day livelihoods. However, I am going to show you why...

Steps to Branding Success pt. 1

Steps to Branding Success pt. 1

Steps to Branding Success pt. 1 In this two-part blog series on 1st Steps to Branding Success, we will outline why it is essential that you start at the beginning, and focus on the foundational building blocks of your branding before you start investing time, energy...

Wait! No one likes to fail.

Wait! No one likes to fail.

Are you saying you can be better at failing?  Absolutely!  As a matter of fact, I guarantee that if you get better at failing, you will have more success.  Sounds crazy right? This post is going to focus on three keys points that are preventing from being your best. ...

Become a Meeting Sensei!

Become a Meeting Sensei!

Everyday organizations around the country are running bad meetings. But how can that be? There are a constant stream of blogs and new books addressing the issue. However, meetings never seem to get better. Below is one of my favorite takes on meetings in general.If...

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